

Our annual international convention is the ultimate Sigma Tau Delta experience—a truly unique and amazing opportunity to spend four event-filled days with over 1,100 students, faculty, and respected authors who share your love of English! To make it possible for our chapters to send multiple attendees, we work hard to keep convention expenses low and to offer a number of discounts and reimbursements. We encourage Sponsors to plan early to 1) solicit travel funds, 2) take advantage of Society discounts and reimbursement opportunities, and 3) explore cost saving strategies to minimize travel expenses.

Chapter Sponsors

A Chapter Sponsor can often solicit funds from the English Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Student Government, Student Affairs, Dean, Provost, President, and chapter alumni.

Longtime Sponsor, Dr. Robert Halli at The University of Alabama, recommends, “You increase your chances for success in soliciting funds from campus sources if you can convince these sources it is to their benefit to give you funds—that they will get more out of it in publicity and prestige than they invest in capital.”  We offer some suggestions for Sponsors seeking campus funding:




Fundraising is a necessary activity for every Sigma Tau Delta chapter, not just to get funding to attend the convention. However, the opportunity to attend and present at the convention can generate renewed enthusiasm and creativity for fundraising. Chapters and chapter leaders have a number of resources for obtaining funding.

Have a Fundraising Event

For ideas visit Chapter Life: Fundraising.

Apply for Awards

Sigma Tau Delta gives away thousands of dollars each year in project grants, service projects, and chapter awards for outstanding chapters and publications.

Hold a Common Reader Event

Each Regent offers $100 for up to 10 chapters in the region to hold an activity connected to the Common Reader,  The Soul Thief. The eligible activities are many, and the application is brief and simple: Regents Common Reader Awards.

Help Members Revise Submissions

More than $10,000 will be given in awards for the best works presented at the convention. The best of the submitted works are considered for these convention awards, so take the time as a chapter to help each other revise those submissions before members send them in. Help each other to put the best work forward.

Make Use of Hotel Group Discount

Make your hotel reservations no later than February 8, 2016, and be sure to ask for Sigma Tau Delta’s special convention rates. These rates will be available until February 8 or until our room block is full. Make your reservations early so you can make sure your group gets the rooms needed!

Earn the Voting Delegate Reimbursement

Each attending chapter will receive a reimbursement check of $300 ($600 for chapters outside of the continental U.S.) if the chapter sends a voting student delegate to 1) the General Business Meeting (Friday), and 2) the chapter’s Regional Caucus (Friday). Checks are mailed shortly after the convention.

To receive a reimbursement check, the official voting student delegate must complete a form provided at the General Business Meeting on Friday and return it at the Regional Caucus following the General Business Meeting. The official voting delegate (a) must be a student member and (b) must attend and participate in both the General Business Meeting and the chapter’s Regional Caucus. Chapters should decide ahead of time whether the $300/$600 should be used by the chapter’s student delegate for his/her expenses or whether the money should be returned to the chapter treasury. Checks will be sent from the Central Office shortly after the convention. It is customary for delegates to provide their home chapters with a report on the convention (the business, the sessions, etc.).

Sell Chapter Merchandise at the Convention

Convention Attendees


To make the most of your travel funds, consider the following suggestions:

Revise Your Submission

It pays, literally, to submit your best paper or creative work. Not only does revision make acceptance more likely, but revision could lead to your work being considered for one of the convention awards. More than $10,000 will be given for the best works presented at the convention. The judging, however, is of works as submitted, not works as presented. So seek constructive criticism for your proposed submission from professors and colleagues, and then revise until what you submit is absolutely the best you can do.

Work With Sponsor and Chapter

Use Early Registration Discount

Register before January 4, 2016, to take advantage of the early registration fee.

Share Hotel Rooms

Explore Travel Options

Apply for Awards and Scholarships

In addition to the chapter awards and the convention awards, Sigma Tau Delta gives away over $80,000 each year for individual awards and scholarships. Work with your Sponsor and other faculty in revising your applications for individual awards and scholarships.

Eat Smart

Eating out every meal for several days can be costly. Yes, it can be tempting to go out on the town, but being smart about your food budget can mean extra cash for other travel expenses, or for T-shirts, books, and/or other souvenirs.