Concurrent Sessions Faculty Sponsors

Faculty Sponsors Emeriti

Northstar Ballroom A, L2 March 4, 2016 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm

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Gloria J. Hochstein, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (WI)


Marybeth DeMeo,  Alvernia University (PA)
Lillian Schanfield, Barry University (FL)
Delores Stephens, Morehouse College (GA)

Former Sigma Tau Delta Sponsors, Board members, and committee chairs represent a repository of experience and investment in Sigma Tau Delta. We will discuss ways in which the Society can tap that resource as well as ways in which retired faculty can stay connected to Sigma Tau Delta. In addition to sharing concerns, questions, and ideas for continuing meaningful involvement with Sigma Tau Delta, we will discuss questions and comments about the role retired (and semi-retired) faculty might have with their local chapters.